Reem Hesham's blog

Drawing and photography

Dancing May 5, 2011

Filed under: Paintings — Reem Marei @ 6:56 pm


My first display January 6, 2011

Filed under: Drawings 2009-2010,Paintings — Reem Marei @ 10:14 pm

I am member of the creative art club in Dar Al Hekma college. The founder of the club made an exhibition for the members in the grand opening. The exhibition was called Room No. 5 as it included five categories: Fine arts, graphic design, interior design, fashion design, and photography. Talented girls of the Dar Al Hekma college were to express or show their talents in these five categories. This was a very huge event that lasted for three days, was the media’s gossip. Each of the fine artists were asked to show paintings affected by abstract art and had a different theme of her own. My theme was music and dancing.


The Fruit Basket

Filed under: Paintings — Reem Marei @ 10:06 pm


Acrylic on canvas

This is the last piece of the series. It genuinely shows the influence of the flamingo dancers. It is sold too.


By The Sea

Filed under: Paintings — Reem Marei @ 9:47 pm


Acrylic on canvas

This is the second painting of the series. It is also influenced by the “flamingo (I am not sure about the spelling) dancers”.  The blue and green background represents the sea, the colorful stripes represent a curtain,and the tiles represent the stage built by the sea. This one is also  sold..


The Dancing crowd

Filed under: Paintings — Reem Marei @ 9:42 pm


Acrylic on canvas

The first of my three paintings that were displayed in the grand opening of the creative art club in Dar Al Hekma college.  I was intrigued by the spanish dancers with their colorful dresses and their body movement so I painted a series of paintings expressing their vibrance. However, I added a hint of Jazz on this one just to make it a bit different from the other displayed paintings. This painting was sold. 😀